All of us are very well aware of the fact that human life is very short & fragile plagued with innumerable uncertainties, sorrow & eventually death. Irrespective of our health condition, social status, caste, creed, religion, gender, and vocation, etc., all of us have to face the reality of death. The daily news headlines we see and hear is itself very disturbing. Every day millions perish either due to wars, plagues, natural disasters, lack of food, financial woes, drug abuse, suicide, and old age, etc. Death may not visit everyone in the same way. All of us will have to die someday due to some or the other cause.

But in today's world, due to the innumerable global uncertainties surrounding each of us, our survival itself in the days, months, and years ahead begin to look very doubtful and fearful. So, today humanity is living with the fear of death always. But the fact is more than death, what happens after death matters the most. That is the thing that we should fear the most. That is the thing we should strive to consider. 

In other words, is there hope after death? If there is hope who is the source of this hope? What is that hope? Is there life after death? Is that life also temporary or it is eternal? What are the current global uncertainties and problems leading this world and me too? To understand the answers of these questions, pls do visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com.

- by James J.

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